Consultant Natura Cosmetic - Brazil

Be Welcome!!
Hey guys! I so excited today ´cause I decided stat a new blog. i´ve been thinking how I could start it. Let me try in the begining... sorry for mistakes!
I also wanna thank you for support and wish you enjoy the blog. Here I´ll show the special products I sell and why they are my choise.
Spread the message and bring the love!!!

Quem sou eu

Minha foto
Londrina, Paraná, Brazil
Bacharela em Direito - Universidade Estadual de Londrina - Pesquisadora de Direito das Famílias s2 mãe da Isadora, curiosa pela vida, e sempre disposta a compartilhar informações. Conhecimento é poder.

Let me a coment, I wanna know what u think. if you're following me Ican drop by u too;)

segunda-feira, 24 de maio de 2010

Ultra-nourrissante CACAU - Ultra-nourishing CACAU - From Brazil

Dotée d’une haute concentration en beurre de cacau, ultra-nourrissante et émolliente, la Crème Soin jambes et pieds est tout particulièrement étudiée pour prendre soin des régions du corps les plus sèches (les jambes et les pieds, notamment). Riche, également, en glycérine végétale, elle est hautement protectrice. Associée à d’autres agents émollients qui protègent le film hydrolipidique de la peau, cette crème permet de limiter l’évaporation de l’eau, assurant ainsi une plus longue hydratation. D’une texture crémeuse à la douceur fruitée, ce soin parcourt jambes et pieds de délicates fragrances de cacau.

With a high concentration cacau butter, ultra-nourishing and emollient cream Care legs and feet is especially designed to take care of the body regions drier (legs and feet, etc.).Rich, also, vegetable glycerin, its hightly protective.Combined with other emollients that protect the skin's natural film, this cream helps reduce the evaporation of water, thus ensuring a longer hydration. the texture creamy fruity sweetness that runs through legs and feet care of delicate fragrances cacau.


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